Adult Big Wheel Club is striving to continue to provide you with safest and most effective team building activities throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic. Maintaining unity and strengthening teamwork are essential to all, and in person events are proven more effective than virtual options. We have put in place the following plan to help create a safer group activity while maintaining our core values of building communication skills, memory and consistent teamwork. 


  • All events are held outdoors to assist in distancing, and lower the risk of closed environments.
  • Activity can be done at 6 feet or more social distancing.
  • All event equipment is sanitized prior to your groups’ arrival. 
  • All events are private for your group only and are closed to the public. (Public and festival events may be booked in the future when it is safe to do so)
  • Masks are encouraged, or can be made a requirement of your event contract.
  • Sanitizer is available for use during our activities.
    Our Staff is tested regularly and maintains social distance from your participants


 Have additional questions or concerns? Please email or call us.



                                                                                                                  Your comfort and safety is our top priority.